Is Dermaplaning Good for Your Skin? The Benefits Explained

Skin resurfacing treatments like dermaplaning aren’t just about beauty. While they help you achieve smoother, hair-free skin, they also offer some benefits you probably didn’t expect.

Dermaplaning is one of our favorite ways to rejuvenate the skin. It promotes healthy cell turnover and a dewy, glowing complexion.

And, while many estheticians offer the treatment, you probably have some questions about the procedure. We’re taking a closer look at this popular, minimally invasive way to restore your glow.

What is dermaplaning?

dermaplaning benefits

When you visit your esthetician, chances are you don’t expect your treatment to involve a scalpel. But with dermaplaning, that’s exactly what you’ll see. While they aren’t performing surgery, they’ll use a medical-grade blade to gently reveal younger, perfect skin.

What does the process of dermaplaning look like?

Especially if you have sensitive skin that can’t handle the chemicals involved in a peel, dermaplaning might be for you. It’s one way to get the results without the side effects!

Using a tool, your esthetician scrapes off the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair in one session. And, because there aren’t chemicals involved, there’s no downtime before you can enjoy the benefits of this treatment.

If the thought of having your face scraped with a blade makes you nervous, don’t be! Most clients report that it’s relaxing and even enjoyable!

How do you prepare for dermaplaning?

One of the most important things you can do before your dermaplaning session is to hydrate. Drink plenty of water so your skin is supple and healthy!

Give your skin a break before your treatment by not exfoliating in the week leading up to your appointment. Make sure your skin is free from any cuts or sores since they can’t be treated until healed.

Retinol-based products can cause your skin to flake and irritate the surface, something you don’t want in your dermaplaning session. So, best to skip retinoids for 3-5 days prior to treatment. 

Finally, avoid the sun in the week leading up to your treatment. Sun exposure can make your skin extra sensitive and increase redness after your session.

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

As we promised, there are benefits to dermaplaning beyond just a smooth, youthful complexion. You’ll love these other perks to this non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment.

Dermaplaning attacks wrinkles and fine lines

Because the protocol encourages new skin growth, you’ll see a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. All the new skin cells are hydrated and haven’t hardened yet. After your treatment, you’ll have a supple, smooth, and younger-looking appearance.

Makeup will be easier to work with after dermaplaning

Applying makeup over vellus hairs and uneven surfaces is a chore. You’ll use more products, and the final results aren’t picture-perfect. After your session, you’ll have the perfect surface to show off your skills! And it can take four to five weeks for the hair to grow back, so you’ll have plenty of time to shine.

Acne-prone skin can benefit from dermaplaning

Even those with acne-prone skin see a benefit from dermaplaning. This process cleans out pores and removes dirt and grime from the environment. It can also reduce the appearance of acne scars. You’ll have smaller, tighter pores and even less redness from previous breakouts!

While it’s not recommended for those with an active breakout, it can help prevent them in the future. 

Get rid of peach fuzz effectively

Vellus hairs, or peach fuzz, can trap oils and dirt on your skin. By removing it through dermaplaning, you’re opening yourself up to a new complexion. Free from hair, you’ll see minutes shaved off your morning skincare routine. Foundation and powder cosmetics will go on quickly and smoothly.

Dermaplaning is safe for most anyone and is non-invasive

This treatment option is safe for almost anyone. It’s ideal for those with uneven skin tone, various textures, and even oily or dry skin. And, because it’s non-invasive, there’s no downtime.

Dermaplaning is quick and convenient

A dermaplaning facial usually takes around an hour, and you can return to your day afterward. Many clients even schedule them on their lunch breaks so they don’t miss a beat! Unless you’ve got a day in the sun planned for your afternoon, you can move on with your life. Like any resurfacing treatment, you’ll want to use moisturizers and SPF to maintain good skin tone before spending time in the sun. 

Who cannot receive dermaplaning?

While this treatment is indicated for most skin types and textures, it’s not for everyone. If you’re in the midst of an acne breakout, wait until it’s subsided before going in for a dermaplaning session. Additionally, if you’ve got open wounds on your face, let them heal before scheduling your treatment. 

Those with acne-prone skin who’ve used Accutane in the last six months shouldn’t undergo dermaplaning. The medication can cause a bad reaction to the mild trauma caused during your session and increase redness and discomfort. Chat with your healthcare provider if you’ve got questions about Accutane.

Studio Wax is here to introduce you to the wonder that is dermaplaning!

At Studio Wax, our team is dedicated to revealing the most healthy version of your skin. Our beauty experts offer some of the most advanced, comprehensive treatments available. Dermaplaning is one way to remove unwanted facial hair and unveil your smooth, soft, bright skin underneath. With your stunning new look, you’ll be ready to take on the world!

Check out our complete list of services on our website and book your first dermaplaning session today!


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